
This is a basic Python client library for Lightstreamer‘s HTTP text protocol implemented using threads.

Required Parameters

Before consuming a Lightstreamer service you must collect a few requisite settings. These can easily be found by observing an existing application’s HTTP requests, e.g. via Firebug or Wireshark.

Adapter Set
This is the name of the collection of data adapters for which a connection will instantiate tables. It is passed as a POST parameter LS_adapter_set to create_session.txt or create_session.js.
Data Adapter
This is the name of the server-side driver responsible for producing table data. In some configurations it may not be specified, otherwise it appears as the LS_data_adapter or LS_adapter (Lightstreamer < 4.1) POST parameter to control.txt or control.js.
Item Group
This string is parsed by the data adapter and is usually a list of space or pipe-separated identifiers; it identifies individual keys to subscribe to, but in certain cases it may be a static string such as ALL. It is passed as the LS_id POST parameter to control.txt or control.js when LS_op=add.
This string is parsed by the data adapter and is usually a list of space or pipe-separated identifiers; it identifies the list of fields to subscribe to for each item in the item group. It is passed as the LS_schema POST parameter to control.txt or control.js when LS_op=add.
Table Mode
This specifies the expected update mode for the target table, it is passed as the LS_mode POST parameter to control.txt or control.js when LS_op=add. Note that a common cause of no data received from the server is setting the wrong table mode.
Username and Password
Your Lightstreamer server might not require a username and password, but if it does, these fields are visible as the LS_user and LS_password POST parameters to create_session.txt or create_session.js.
Server URL
This is the absolute URL to the Lightstreamer installation, usually ending with “/lightstreamer”. It can easily be observed as the prefix to create_session.txt or create_session.js HTTP calls.


The library exports LsClient and Table as its main classes. Both classes are expected to be consumed by event-driven code, where it’s natural to make use of callbacks for receiving data. Refer to the output of pydoc lightstreamer for a full API reference.

Callbacks are always invoked from a single thread private to each LsClient. For this reason any long running code for responding to an event should be deferred to another thread, otherwise you will block the LsClient implementation.

Consumer code creates a session and subscribes to data by:

  1. Instantiating an LsClient:
client = lightstreamer.LsClient(MY_LIGHTSTREAMER_URL)
  1. Optionally subscribing to the on_state event:
def on_state(state):
    print 'New state:', state

  1. Call create_session() to initialize the connection:
    username='my_username', password='my_password')

Session creation runs on a private thread, so create_session() will return control to the caller immediately. For this reason you should subscribe to on_state, where lightstreamer.STATE_CONNECTED will be reported once creation succeeds.

  1. Instantiate one or more Table instances, optionally including a item_factory to deserialize incoming rows:
# Subscribe to bank balance. Supply a item_factory that converts the
# incoming list of strings to a tuple of floats.
table = lightstreamer.Table(client,
    item_factory=lambda row: tuple(float(v) for v in row)
  1. Subscribe to the on_update event:
def on_bank_balance_changed(item_id, row):
    print 'Total credits:', row[0]
    print 'Total debits:', row[1]


Note that due to how Lightstreamer works, initial rows may contain None instead of a string. This is dependent partially on table mode (at least MODE_MERGE and MODE_RAW) and also whether snapshot=True is specified, and supported by the server.

  1. Consume data as desired until it becomes uninteresting. To cancel a subscription to a single table, use client.delete(table), or alternatively client.destroy() followed by client.join() to shut down the entire client.

Warning: never invoke client.join() from a Lightstreamer callback, as this will result in deadlock.

Connection States

The following module constants are passed as the parameter to on_state.

A session does not yet exist, we’re in the process of connecting for the first time. Any control messages will be buffered until after connection.
Connected and forwarding messages. If no messages are available for forwarding, on_heartbeat() will fire at regular intervals to indicate the connection is still alive.
A session exists, we’re just in the process of reconnecting because the server indicated it was time to do so. A healthy connection will alternate between STATE_RECONNECTING and STATE_CONNECTED states as LS_content_length is exceeded.
Could not connect and will not retry because the server indicated a permanent error. After entering this state the thread stops, and session information is cleared. You must call create_session() to restart the session. This is the default state. Table subscription information is preserved such that a new call to client.create_session() will result in all existing subscriptions to be recreated in the new session.


Client Interface

class lightstreamer.LsClient(base_url, work_queue=None, content_length=None, timeout_grace=None, polling_ms=None)

Manages a single Lightstreamer session. Callers are expected to:

  • Create an instance and subscribe to on_state().
  • Call create_session().
  • Create lightstreamer.Table instances, or manually call allocate().
  • Subscribe to each Table’s on_update().
  • Call destroy() to shut down.

create_session() and send_control() calls are completed asynchronously on a private thread.

create_session(username, adapter_set, password=None, max_bandwidth_kbps=None, content_length=None, keepalive_ms=None)

Begin authenticating with Lightstreamer and start the receive thread.

username is the Lightstreamer username (required). adapter_set is the adapter set name to use (required). password is the Lightstreamer password. max_bandwidth_kbps indicates the highest transmit rate of the

server in Kbps. Server’s default is used if unspecified.
content_length is the maximum size of the HTTP entity body before the
server requests we reconnect; larger values reduce jitter. Server’s default is used if unspecified.
keepalive_ms is the minimum time in milliseconds between PROBE
messages when the server otherwise has nothing to say. Server’s default is used if unspecified.

Instruct the server and LsClient to discard the given table.


Request the server destroy our session.


Wait for the receive thread to terminate.


Subscribe func to heartbeats. The function is called with no arguments each time the connection receives any data.


Subscribe func to connection state changes. Sole argument, state is one of the STATE_* constants.


If a table was created with silent=True, instruct the server to start delivering updates.

Table Interface

class lightstreamer.Table(client, item_ids, mode=None, data_adapter=None, buffer_size=None, item_factory=None, max_frequency=None, schema=None, selector=None, silent=False, snapshot=False)

Lightstreamer table.

Abstracts management of a single table, and wraps incoming data in a item_factory to allow simple conversion to the user’s native data format.

Callers should subscribe a function at least to on_update() to receive row updates, and possibly also on_end_of_snapshot() to know when the first set of complete rows has been received.

The table is registed with the given LsClient during construction.

items = None

This is a dict mapping item IDs to the last known value for the particular item. Note that if no updates have been received for a particular item, it will have no entry here.


Fired when the server indicates the first set of update messages representing a snapshot have been sent successfully.


Fired when the client receives a new update message (i.e. data). Receives 2 arguments: item_id, and msg.

Event Interface

class lightstreamer.Event

Manage a list of functions.

fire(*args, **kwargs)

Call all registered functions, passing args and kwargs.


Subscribe func to the event.


Unsubscribe func from the event.

General Upset

The current implementation is threaded, which sucks. Unfortunately the only alternative solutions to asynchronous networking suck also, as they impose huge frameworks or runtime constraints on consumer code. So for the time being threads prevail.

Integration with Twisted can be achieved by simply wrapping all callbacks in twisted.internet.reactor.callFromThread():

def wrap(func):
    return lambda *args: reactor.callFromThread(func, *args)

# etc.

A future version of the library might tidy this up a little.